Monday, July 9, 2012


Dear GGG-ers and other girls’ golf enthusiasts…

After four successful seasons of GGG, I have decided that it is no longer possible for me to continue the program in the fall of 2012.

Due to my health issues and the fact that we are 90 minutes from Hunterdon County, Johnny and I have decided that this is the best course of action.

GGG, along with coaching the Hunterdon Central girls’ golf team, has been an amazing experience and it is my hope that those involved will continue to work on their games as well as the positive aspects of their lives. Take lessons, work on your skills, play the game with your friends, advocate for girls’ golf and continue to enjoy golfing.

My physicians have recommended that I continue to “rest” through the fall, in accordance with the “new” treatment plan I have been following since last December. Johnny and I are hopeful that my health will improve after this year – it has been 10 rough years since I was my “old self” back in 2002.

I will continue to promote girls’ and women’s golf throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania and hopefully I will once again be an active force in the sport when 2013 rolls around.

Thank you for all your support and encouragement and feel free to check-in with us at where we will post items-of-note as well as feel free to drop us a line to inform us of your golfing exploits!!! We love to hear from you!!!!!


Lydia Siipola

PS—Johnny and I will miss seeing all of you, along with the fun times we had a Heron Glen, Beaver Brook, High Bridge Hills, Copper Hill, Stanton Ridge and Raritan Valley. For those of you who are planning to play for the Hunterdon Central team, Bob Nicolson will coach again this coming season. His email is: